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Rubí es un perro de tamaño mediano (más para el pequeño).
Aunque es un poco tímida con la gente nueva, después de conocerlos es muy cariñosa y amigable.
Es bastante sociable con otros perros y como es un poco miedosa, pensamos que una familia que ya tiene otro perro la ayudaría a instalarse más rápido.
Sabe caminar bien con correa en ambientes tranquilos.
Es activa y le gusta usar su instinto de podenca, sin embargo, es una perra muy tranquila.

¡Cualquiera que haya tenido un podengo en su vida garantiza que no hay mejor compañero para tener en la vida! ¿Vienes a conocerla?

Rubi is a medium-sized dog,  or even small.

Although she is a little shy around new people, after ettinn to know them, she is very affectionate and friendly.

She is quite social with other dogs and since she is a little timid, we think that a family that already has another dog would help her settle in faster.

She knows how to walk well on a leash in calm environments.

She is active and likes to use her hunting instinct, however, she is a very calm dog.

Anyone who has had a podenco in their life guarantees that there is no better companion to have in life! 

Are you coming to meet her?

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Do you want to adopt?
Send us a message and we will get back to you.

Gracias por querer adoptar! Thanks for wanting to adopt !

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