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Nombre :


Fecha de nacimiento :




Esterilizado :


Raza :

Shepard cross

Color :


Tamano :


Con nosotros desde :


Estos 2 hermanas se han criado a biberon, porque estaban abandonados en una caja.Han estado de acogida con varios familias, y ya tienen 6 meses y es hora a encontrar su familia para siempre.

Aunque tiene el color de Pastor Belga, probablemente son más cruce de mastín con Pastor aleman… porque tienen un character más tranquilo y no son nerviosos o mordedores.

Tiger = atigrada y muy sociable

Maeve = la mas grande y juguetona

These 2 sisters have been raised with a bottle, because they were abandoned in a box. They have been fostered with several families, and they are now 6 months old and it is time to find their forever family.

Although they have the color of a Belgian Shepherd, they are probably more of a mastiff cross with a German Shepherd... because they have a calmer character and are not nervous or biting.

Tiger = brindle and very sociable

Maeve = the biggest and most playful

Google Photos:

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Gracias por querer adoptar! Thanks for wanting to adopt !

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